Wednesday, January 10, 2024

#WIPWednesday, January 10th, 2024


Shelving full of ziploc bags and plastic shoeboxes holding 3d printed prop and model kits

Hey there, my friends.

Not much to write about this week. I'm currently on a jerry-rigged setup while my PC is in the shop, which has put a damper on a lot of the work I was planning on doing over the weekend (the PC went in Friday morning, thought it would be out Friday afternoon). However, I have some projects I've been working on, so I do have a little bit to write about for today's post.

Note: I hate writing anything of length on a laptop keyboard, especially a MacBook keyboard, so this won't be too awful long! Also, pardon any typos. Large fingers, small keyboard, you know how it is.

Over the weekend, I started cleaning up my workspace. I scrubbed down my workbench and cleaned off a portion of the shelf underneath for my new combo belt/disc sander, which was also assembled on Saturday. I went through all of my kits, moved the ones I'm not planning on working on any time soon to another shelf, and cleaned everything up before staging kits for my projects over the next few months. Last week, you saw the before pictures, and in this week's album, we have more of the "after" pictures, though the cleaning project is in no way complete.

With my computer in the shop, all of my files are unavailable. So, I've been going through some of my Patreon links to find something to print. Over the last few days, I've been digging into the folders from Galactic Armory, and I've printed out an A-Wing Fighter model from Return of the Jedi that will take battery-operated tea lights and use them as flickering lights in the engines, and I'm in the process of printing the barrel and t-track pieces for an E-11 Blaster Rifle, and I THINK it's the Rogue One version.

Most of the parts to a 3D Printed Stormtrooper Rifle.

Other than that, I've got my Ko-Fi Talking and Tea Team Project printed, with information starting to go up on the Ko-Fi page ($3 a month to support the team!) showing that build. For more information on that, visit my Ko-Fi page for details.

Other than that, I haven't done much more than watch the Star Wars original trilogy and finally watch The Batman. With my normal equipment out of service, I've just been trying to relax. Hopefully, I'll have my PC back by the weekend, and I'll have more to tell y'all about next week. In the meantime, remember to take good care of yourselves, and each other. The world sucks out there, so try not to make it suck any more. In fact, if you can, try to make it suck a bit less.


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