Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Wednesday Update - October 23rd, 2024

 Hey there, everyone. We have successfully made it to another Wednesday.


Okay, in all seriousness, I hope everyone has had a pretty decent week. I'm going to be honest, I've been in convention prep mode since I last wrote on the blog, so I really don't have much to go over this week.

I guess the one thing I DO have to go over is that I'll be at VoltCon here in Indianapolis on Saturday and Sunday. I'm tabling in the Space Mall with Troxell's Trading Post, and I'm going to have the Etsy shop shuttered over the weekend as I hopefully sell off some of the stock I've had for a bit. For those who aren't aware, VoltCon is a convention that celebrates the whole "giant robot cartoon" genre, with a focus on, of course, Voltron, which is having its 40th anniversary this year. They have guests, a good-sized vendor hall, and it's a pretty tight-knit, welcoming crew. I've been to three of the last four, first as a blogger then as a vendor, and I've had a good time at all of them. If you're in the area, and like big robots, visit their website and get your tickets now!

Anyway, prepping for the show hasn't just involved getting product around. It's also involved getting displays around for the show table. Shelving, spin racks, dang near everything is 3D printed. No, it's not for "branding," it's because printing a spin rack is cheaper and probably more stable than ordering one off Amazon. I've also been busy printing some new lower-priced items, like keyrings, and cutting some prices pretty deep on some of my larger items, like dice towers.

So, that's pretty much it. I've got some stuff on order, so next week will probably be a bit more wordy, and it'll actually have pictures again. In the meantime, please remember that the world sucks out there. Try not to make it suck any worse and, if you can, try to make it suck a little less. Get out there and vote, and I'll see you next week.

Be excellent to each other,

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